This quick command, added to iOS or MacOS, allows you to select text in any app and save it as a quick note to your Notion database.
Download the shortcut from here:
Once you've downloaded the shortcut, click "Add" and accept the permissions.
After adding the quick command, you'll need to configure the parameters for it to work. Follow these steps:
Go to **** while logged in and click on
Select a title for your integration; "Save to Notion Shortcut" could be an idea. Make sure the workspace where you want to save quick notes is selected.
Then click on "Submit";
In the next page, you'll be shown the Secret Token, copy it and keep it safe, you'll need it in the next configuration step.
Now click on Capabilities and make sure everything is checked, like in the screenshot:
Now open your Notion workspace and go to the database you want to use as a base for quick notes. Make sure you're inside a database; otherwise, the process won't work (if you don't have a database yet, what are you waiting for? Click here). To check if the page you're on is a database, just click on the three dots in the top left and check if there's the "Lock/Unlock Database" option. If you see this, you're in the right place. Now, from the same menu, click on Copy Link.
Once you've copied the link, you'll need to extract the database_id. It's very simple. The structure of the link you'll copy will be like the following, and you need to copy the part in bold
You have one last action to do from the database menu, and that's enabling the integration. It's straightforward; from the same menu where you copied the link, you can select "Connections" (usually at the bottom), then "Add Connections" and select the integration we created in the initial steps. If it's not there, try refreshing the page CMD+R
The final step remains. Follow these steps:
. It should be quite intuitive what you should do here: paste the token and the database id in their place. Once you've done this, close the command (save), and you're ready.